  • About Us

Our Vision

To transform our culture by giving millions of children a biblical worldview.

Our Mission

To sow biblical worldview pedagogy into the hearts and minds of Christian educators, preparing them to cultivate and equip future Creation caretakers.

Our Vision

To transform our culture by giving millions of children a biblical worldview.

Our Mission

To sow biblical worldview pedagogy into the hearts and minds of Christian educators, preparing them to cultivate and equip future Creation caretakers.

Welcome To REAP,
RenewaNation’s Education Advancement Program.

Charged with the Creation/Dominion Mandate (Genesis 1:28), the Deuteronomy 6 Command (vs. 4-9), and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), the function of Christian Education is stewardship and discipleship. REAP seeks to provide scripturally grounded encouragement, guidance, and resources to effectively carry out these critical callings.

Our Team

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