  • Training

    Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Discipleship is the primary focus and objective of Christian Education. Extensive Biblical Worldview (BWV) education development is essential for educators’ spiritual maturation and professional advancement. REAP’s Cultivation offerings present multiple growth opportunities critical to the discipleship of young hearts and minds.

Within The Garden

The REAP 2024 Within The Garden Biblical Worldview Education conference was held in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, from July 31 to August 1, 2024. This two-day CEU professional development opportunity served to equip veteran teachers and those new to Christian Education with training critical for the discipleship of students. With the mounting cultural pressures and challenges students face daily, this series of CEU-approved recorded presentations will function as an essential professional development resource.

Within The Garden

The REAP 2024 Within The Garden Biblical Worldview Education conference was held in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, from July 31 to August 1, 2024. This two-day CEU professional development opportunity served to equip veteran teachers and those new to Christian Education with training critical for the discipleship of students. With the mounting cultural pressures and challenges students face daily, this series of CEU-approved recorded presentations will function as an essential professional development resource.


For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 3:11

Cornerstone Biblical Worldview Education training prepares educators to go beyond the concept of Biblical integration and embrace every facet of teaching and learning as a God-ordained act of discipleship. By addressing Christian education pitfalls associated with the secular-sacred divide and focusing on methods modeled by the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, educators will develop and strengthen students’ biblical worldview.


For no one can lay a foundation other that that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 3:11

Cornerstone Biblical Worldview Education training prepares educators to go beyond the concept of Biblical integration and embrace every facet of teaching and learning as a God-ordained act of discipleship. By addressing Christian education pitfalls associated with the secular-sacred divide and focusing on methods modeled by the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, educators will develop and strengthen students’ biblical worldview.


See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Examining worldview assumptions is critically important for understanding the times and culture we live in. As biblical worldview educators focused on discipleship, we must prepare to address these assumptions with our students. Assumptions That Affect Our Lives, by Christian Education pioneer Dr. Christian Overman, has equipped thousands to make a difference in the way they live and in the way they think.


See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Examining worldview assumptions is critically important for understanding the times and culture we live in. As biblical worldview educators focused on discipleship, we must prepare to address these assumptions with our students. Assumptions That Affect Our Lives, by Christian Education pioneer Dr. Christian Overman, has equipped thousands to make a difference in the way they live and in the way they think.

Kingdom Education

The REAP Kingdom Education platform, originally developed by Dr. Glen Schultz, is for Christian parents, church leaders and educators to gain access to a plethora of resources by becoming a REAP Kingdom Education Member. Prime Members have 24-hour access to video training, weekly blogs and other materials and information designed to help parents, church leaders and Christian teachers and administrators educate future generations in line with God’s Word and will.

Kingdom Education

The REAP Kingdom Education platform, originally developed by Dr. Glen Schultz, is for Christian parents, church leaders and educators to gain access to a plethora of resources by becoming a REAP Kingdom Education Member. Prime Members have 24-hour access to video training, weekly blogs and other materials and information designed to help parents, church leaders and Christian teachers and administrators educate future generations in line with God’s Word and will.

Sowing For The Harvest

The REAP 2022 Sowing For the Harvest conference held in Kansas City, hosted a series of professional development presentations on teaching from a Biblical Worldview. Featuring speakers Jeff Keaton, RenewaNation; Keith McCurdy, Live Sturdy; Dr. Roger Erdvig, Beyond Biblical Integration; and others, this compilation of training provides Christian schools with 16 hours of CEU training content.

Sowing For The Harvest

The REAP 2022 Sowing For the Harvest conference held in Kansas City, hosted a series of professional development presentations on teaching from a Biblical Worldview. Featuring speakers Jeff Keaton, RenewaNation; Keith McCurdy, Live Sturdy; Dr. Roger Erdvig, Beyond Biblical Integration; and others, this compilation of training provides Christian schools with 16 hours of CEU training content.

Christian School Partnership Program

The role of a Christian School Administrator or Head of School can be a challenging one as you navigate through turbulent situations and deal with daily struggles, while leading your school to accomplish the mission of making disciples of the next generation. We want to support you in this journey. Several Christian schools that REAP has helped launch or renew have engaged with an ongoing partnership. We are now opening up this partnership program to all Christian schools.

The partnership program provides monthly mentorship and leadership coaching and an open line to seek counsel on those situations and challenges that arise. In addition, the partnership offers a 20% discount to other RenewaNation products and services. Contact us today to learn more.

Teacher Mentorship

…When fully trained the student will become like his teacher. Luke 6:40

REAP offers individual and small group mentorship for both teachers and administrators. Working with one of our coaches, educators will be equipped and inspired to profoundly impact the students and families they serve. Sessions will focus on a thoroughly biblical approach to leading and teaching.

Teacher Mentorship

…When fully trained the student will become like his teacher. Luke 6:40

REAP offers individual and small group mentorship for both teachers and administrators. Working with one of our coaches, educators will be equipped and inspired to profoundly impact the students and families they serve. Sessions will focus on a thoroughly biblical approach to leading and teaching.